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CS Service GmbH

Contact for Europe.

We are there for you:

CERAMAX Sales D/A/CH + Benelux

CS Service GmbH
Wohlwillstr. 35
20359 Hamburg, Germany

Fon: +49 40 7611 4200

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All rights reserved. Text, pictures, graphics, sound, animation and videos as well as their arrangement on CERAMAX's web sites are subject to copyright protection and other protective laws. The contents of these Web sites may not be copied, disseminated, modified or made available to third parties.

Guarantee note:

This Web site was compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, CERAMAX cannot guarantee for the flawlessness and accuracy of the information contained there. CERAMAX excludes any liability for damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this Web site unless such damage is based on wilfulness or gross negligence on the part of CERAMAX. The application-related recommendations given at this Web site are based on our own experience and tests and can therefore only be regarded as guidelines. Our products are subject to continuous further development. We therefore reserve the right to make modifications with respect to design and composition.

CERAMAX BV and its affiliated companies (hereinafter called „CERAMAX“) processes personal data for business use. In this privacy statement we inform you hereabout.

(1) Who processes personal data?

All divisions and sites of CERAMAX process personal data. Where this privacy statement refers to CERAMAX, this applies to all our sites and partners, in Germany, the Netherlands and abroad. If you want to know which CERAMAX branch is responsible for the processing of your personal data, please contact the CERAMAX branch, with which you do your daily business.

(2) Whose personal data CERAMAX processes?

CERAMAX processes personal data of people with whom CERAMAX has had a(n) (in)direct relationship, currently has, or wants to have. For example:

  • Customers and their employees
  • Individuals and individuals of companies that show an interest in our products (prospects / leads)
  • Suppliers and their employees

(3) For what purposes does CERAMAX process your personal data?

  • To be able to enter into and maintain a business relationship with you
    Without storing your personal data, we cannot supply you with products and send invoices, or purchase goods and pay invoices.
  • Legal obligation / Archive purposes
    We are legally obliged to store personal data in support of, for example, recall actions to ensure your and others' safety.
  • For sending service messages
    We send so-called service messages both digitally and by postal mail (for example price and assortment changes, modifications in contacts or contact data).
  • For promotional and marketing purposes
    We send occasional newsletters to inform you of the latest developments within CERAMAXn and the building market. You can easily unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link, which is included in every newsletter.

(4) What personal data does CERAMAX process?

  • First name, insert, last name
    To be able to identify you appropriately and to personalize, that is, to address you correctly.
  • Your (preferably business) e-mail address
    So that we can communicate with you in an efficient manner
  • Company name, phone number, street, house number, postcode, city and country
    To correctly identify the business relationship with you (company and branch).
  • Language preference (DE, EN, NL)
    So that we can contact you in a language that you understand best.
  • Area of interested (showerwalls, tiles, interior, facades)
    In order to make the information as relevant as possible to you, we keep your business area of ??interest in order to be able to focus on what is important to you.
  • Type of company
    These personal data are also intended to make better selections and not to send you uninteresting information.
  • From which CERAMAX site you purchase
    We hereby select the relevant persons to address for location-specific information (e.g. change of account manager). So you will not be bothered with news from branches with which you have no connection.
  • Customer type (supplier, customer, prospect, staff, etc.)
    These data are also collected to send you the right, relevant information and not to bother you with uninteresting news.
  • Mobile number
    When you participate in events organized by CERAMAX (e.g. training sessions), we can send you an SMS reminder on your mobile phone.
  • Interaction behaviour
    To improve our information relevance and services we keep track of your interaction behaviour with our newsletters and website, to be able to analyse which articles are read the most. This allows us to improve the relevance of our communication of information for you. See also our Cookie disclaimer.

Sensitive data:

  • Gender
    We process gender information to be able to address you correctly.

(5) How does CERAMAX deal with your personal data?

Your personal data is carefully stored. Within CERAMAX, your personal data can only be used by employees who must have access to this because of their function and only within the framework of the above-mentioned activities. All our employees also have a duty of confidentiality.

Your personal data will not be sold or rented to third parties. Your personal data can be made available to third parties, in so far as this fits with the purpose as stated in article 4. This can also be done because of a governmental statutory obligation. The parties we work with are AVG compliant and in some cases even ISO 27001 certified. This has been checked and recorded by us in an agreement.

Your personal data will not be used for purposes other than those stated in Article 4. Your privacy rights will therefore be covered.

(6) Retention periods

We do not store your personal data longer than necessary.

(7) Your rights as a concerned person

You have the right to:

  • Information / inspection and rectification
    You may inspect which personal data we process from you and have it corrected or supplemented;
  • Oblivion
    You can have all your personal data permanently deleted. In some cases CERAMAX cannot directly comply with this, for example due to administrative (outstanding invoices etc.) or legal reasons;
  • Limitation
    If, in your opinion, we process some personal data incorrectly or unlawful, you can have its processing limited (dependent again on administrative and / or legal exceptions);
  • Objection / protest
    If you believe that we use your personal data wrongfully or incorrectly, you can state this to us (e.g. unsubscribe from the newsletter);
  • Transferability
    You can request your personal data to transfer it to other parties;
  • File a complaint
    If you believe that we do not act in accordance with the privacy legislation, you can file a complaint with us. Are you not heard sufficiently by us? Then you can submit a complaint at your local Data Protection Authority.

Google Analytics:

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google "Google". Google Analytics "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this nformation to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.