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More knowledge.

CERAMAX is focused. Focused to hybridceramic. CERAMAX is not restricted to a certain industry. We from CERAMAX synthesize knowledge of many sectors, branches and industries. So the result is more than the sum of its parts.

More power.

CERAMAX supplies on request semi-finished products. These ready-to-use products can be directly integrated into existing products and components, without further processing. Our aim is to make the handling of our products as simple as possible.

More market.

We from CERAMAX want for you more time running the business. Therefore CERAMAX products offer you maximum knowledge across a full range of industries. You can concentrate on your strengths and have your back free for your daily business.


Immer mehr Architekten, Designer und Bauherren wünschen sich eine Beratung und benötigen CERAMAX-Verarbeiter.

Deshalb suchen wir Handelsvertreter/innen und Architektenberater/innen. Hier geht es zu unseren Stellenangeboten.

Duschwandpartner werden.

CERAMAX hat als erster Marktteilnehmer konsequent auf die Herstellung und Vermarktung von Aufmaß-Duschwänden mit XXL-Formaten gesetzt. Angefangen bei den Verkaufshilfen für eine erfolgreiche Vermarktung, über die Lagerhaltung und Konfektion in Deutschland, bis zum sicheren Transport an die Baustelle. CERAMAX bietet eine erprobte Prozesskette. Hier erfährst du mehr.

Our passion.

Quality and design, for us from CERAMAX, are of paramount importance, by developing our products.

In the creation of products which will bear our name, the concept of high quality and sophisticated design can be taken for granted.

We offer first-class products, designed to meet with approval and bring positive feelings. Customer satisfaction is the guiding principle for all our activities. If you are satisfied with our products and wish to express appreciation, or criticism, please write to us.

Our philosophy.

  • We are set fair for the future.
  • We are quality-conscious and environmentally.
  • We are customer oriented.
  • We treat our partners fair.
  • We work effective together. 
  • We optimize our working conditions.
  • We think ahead. 
  • We are consistent.
  • We live our commitments.

Our self-image.

As an independent company CERMAX is close to the market and performance-based. As an supplier of hybridceramic elements, CERAMAX is innovative and dynamic. We are looking "across the borders". Therefore we export to Europe and English-Speaking Countries.

e.cho! newsletter from CERAMAX.

Just a small step. And you will receive the most recent informations and news about Hybridceramic. The unique surface concept for architecture.

CERAMAX architecture products.

CERAMAX offers high-quality and long lasting surfaces and system solutions for architecture.

To ensure the long-term functionality of our products, not only are top-quality products a must. An  excellent standard of application is necessary as well. To guarantee this is achieved, our products have to be applied properly by qualified processors.

The sale of CERAMAX products to CERAMAX contractors gives them, architects and their clients the benefit of intensive support:

CERAMAX trains tradespeople and craftsmen, gives advice on the selection of systems and shares tricks and tips.

This concept of close support guarantees a high standard of application and customer satisfaction! Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have a specific building project in mind.

Get in contact. Fill out the form.

You want to become our partner?

Have a look on our webpages for planer, industry, wholesaler and craftsman. Or much better - make an appointment for a consultation. Call us (+49 511 4739700), send an email (info(at) or fill out the form.

We are looking forward to hear from you!